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Kūrimas: 23/05/2011 05:14
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Straipsnis: Justice must be seen - 23/05/2011 05:18


Five finger shoes May 18, 2011, response to public opinion, Liaoning High Court Judge Question’s case against Xia Junfeng, said Xia Junfeng stabbed urban management, and does not constitute self-defense. Second trial came out, whether the death penalty review has become Xia Junfeng last chance to avoid death. The case of Xia Junfeng, insight has been said a lot, but need a "Occam's razor" to remove unwanted emotions, to find out the real case where the joints. At least, the Shenyang Intermediate People's Court of First Instance verdict the prosecution set out the evidence insufficient to support the verdict of justification, of course, more cannot be considered to convincing the community to reach a "common denominator." Everything needs to be founded on the basis of the evidence. Prosecution and the defense may wish to summarize their aspirations, and then view the available evidence is able to meet their requirements: the prosecution wants the death penalty with immediate execution; the defense should be the "Daoxialiuren" rather than attempting to other higher.

Six-spot evidence of record, Identification of casualties, capture process, with the civil and the defendant, the basic situation of victims, is beyond reproach. Evidence is the presence of four law enforcement officers and drivers of testimony, the testimony can be summarized in three points: the office did not see the hit; are starting from the Xia Junfeng knife after witnessing the scene; enforcement process of "conflict ", the office had a" brawl. " Xia Junfeng two other wives, and the evidence were the testimony of five witnesses the defense, they can confirm that the two sides of street clashes in law enforcement. There is also confession evidence is Xia Junfeng, he stressed that he was beaten in the streets only, but was beaten in the office. Solitary card in general should not be finalized; the evidence must be confirmed with each other only as valid. Therefore, we can see that judgments can be identified should be regarded as only the following facts: the street there is a conflict, the office there are quarrels, Xia Junfeng a knife-wielding killer acts. This is probably the prosecution and the defense would not deny.

Gucci outlet Immediately answers the question: Based on the fact that these points are adequate to support the immediate implementation of the death penalty decision? Indeed, the self-defense defense, may have committed a "wrong direction" because the prerequisite for self-defense is a must and there are criminal violations, and the burden of proof in this regard, the prosecution do not want to complete, the defense cannot be completed. If self-defense to defend to the Xia Junfeng, it means that the existence of alleged criminal violations urban management. At this time, if the defense lawyers cannot prove Xia Junfeng, their interests are not automatically transferred to the defense; the negative is not automatically attributed to the prosecution. Thus, the real benefit Xia Junfeng's defense is that: the victim is at fault? These faults can reduce the Xia Junfeng guilt, so that you cannot reduce him to the death penalty, at least do not need should not be executed immediately? Clearly, "the street there is a conflict, the office there are quarrels," sufficient to constitute a major fault of the victim.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Straipsnis: It should be recognized "foreign population" tenants rights - 23/05/2011 05:18


Burberry sale In principle, the right is a contractual right tenant by tenants and homeowners to decide. But only if countries do not rule out the renters, or built shacks you the various options. But China is not the case, here is a foreign person cannot have their own shanty. National force, the adverse consequences for tenants much more serious breach than the homeowner, of course, the Government shall be liable to pay compensation. All over the world, I think that developed countries are very poor, care for the rich instead of complaining. As the population increased sense of social injustice, the question of reform may increase, which is way past the result of the reform. Mr. Mao Yushi said, now we have increased revenue, to guarantee the basic living there and enjoy the difference may actually smaller. I understand what he meant, but this is two questions, first, how serious inequalities in the end, it cannot just seat of your pants, have to rely on rigorous social science statistical methods.

Burberry bags Chinese scholars to India, the plane landed, all that crowded slums, living five-star hotel, the outside is the slums. Mumbai is known as "Asia's largest" urban slum Dharavi in ​​the geographical center of the financial district east of luxury, high-quality beach west. China does not have this phenomenon. Two or three years ago, someone said I want to create a slum, I never had this meaning. But, not to better the welfare of the poor before their own solution to the problem of those approaches, the best is more tolerant. China has not recognized the slums, but in 1949 up to now, there have been squatter settlements. Is not that slum it? Members of the public identity of people who live in shanty towns, the state cannot exercise to get rid of all the shantytowns of resettlement or compensation to be permanent residents. If squatters are you, to tear down, you have to give compensation, it is international practice.

Burberry Outlet If the permanent residents, the government should placement, certainly better than now, so you do not hijacked, it is impossible to have people out on the street residence. Now the demolition, the attitude of the owner polite than before, at least in higher compensation than before. Especially in the most developed cities, the land revenue high, in some places relocation compensation has been alarmingly high, and even some in the demolition of wealth. But this is the people on the local household registration. Villages, alley and shanty towns, foreigners are living, then the demolition progress, or for them, the unconditional expulsion of owner compensation is higher in some places, by check, drive away foreigners, to the Housing the main pressure, as village outsiders to make money by renting. Therefore, foreign people living shanty, without any protection, can easily drive away. In 2005, several scholars have done a demographic survey of foreign people live; we reached a very strange conclusion.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Straipsnis: Prohibition does not fly - 25/05/2011 08:09


Civil prohibition is nothing new topic, so I watched a lot of people are numb, so when Nantong after the introduction of Prohibition, civil servants, the public response is not great. Nantong City Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Bureau recently issued a "non-working day on the afternoon drinking reiterated the relevant provisions of the notice," the notice states: civil servants working the afternoon drinking, anytime, anywhere alcohol or drunk driving , and shall be removed before re-treatment. Gucci outlet This provides nothing new in content, but said that there is a rule which: non-working day afternoon drinking alcoholic beverages or corruption (assigned by the organization engaged in foreign affairs, investment promotion activities excluded). Many people criticize that, since you is "no" is "all", and how they emerge a "excluded" it? Suppose you are caught violating a ban on civil servants Huoer, is preparing to deal with, people suddenly said that he is assigned by the organization engaged in foreign affairs, investment activities, how do you do?

This thing is not listed on the label does not stick, but depends on a mouth ah. Not seen you how to ask foreign visitors, he can say is engaged in investment; investment object you want to ask where he can say so and so here the object has a relationship with the investment, damn him, it means doing a good job with the investment object between the ... ... and then you will find yourself Meizhe. Even more critical is, even if you really want to ruthlessly punished some people can check, some people cannot check five finger shoes the children. On this point, do not say too well, everyone can understand. So, not only in Nantong, the prohibition of any other place, no one is beautifully shy, and do not have to be taken seriously. Why should I say? Because I do not think prohibition anywhere in the country really does not implement the discount, the thing itself is redundant.  When in 2007, Xinyang, Henan issued a "civil prohibition order", said the city's hospitality during the first half of 2006 compared with 30% savings over the same period, an expense that only the wine which saved 43 million yuan; 2009, 28 joint CPPCC National Committee members submit a proposal, called for national implementation of the "Prohibition" and then, all regions have introduced similar provisions.

My question is: it really has the desired effect yet? So why do we continue along this path? I have no doubt the original intention of the introduction of Prohibition, but the prohibition where most do not fly in their irrational, non-operational. Leadership to move does not entertain you? Units or departments to examine the brothers learn a trick or treat? In a wine culture so popular, do not be accomplished almost without Vibram Five Fingers food or drink of national, civil servants are free to spend public money to eat and drink, engage in high-high standard reception, said it would not make people drink, is it possible? Few people secretly violate it? Of course, there is no successful Prohibition? Yes, unfortunately did not happen in the contemporary. Far away in a thousand years ago, the Golden State Hailing Wang Wanyanliang emperor after the coup, called the history of the enactment of the Prohibition of cattle: Ban Chao Guan drinking, committed to die, the three people who drink to swallow Crime.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Straipsnis: Consumer food safety is a way "behind"? - 25/05/2011 08:10


AQSIQ press office Liying Feng recently pointed out that to ensure food safety is a long-term social systems engineering, which is not far away, which can take several departments and completed, you need to make concerted efforts from all aspects. He said Consumer food safety inescapable responsibility, calling the majority of consumers do not know that buying Fake. (AQSIQ Web site May 24) As an ordinary consumer, I think quality supervision of food safety responsibilities will shift to the Burberry Outlet consumer's "ignorance" is very appropriate for the appeal to consumers not to "know buying Fake" This statement is absurd to the extreme that . "For various reasons some consumers know buying Fake, this initiative has stimulated the purchase fake counterfeit production, objectively true not only harms the quality and safety of products and manufacturing enterprises, undermining the market competition order, and ultimately harm consumers Own consumption environment, in particular, the health hazards of their own lives and property. "

I believe that most consumers cannot accept such remarks Liying Feng, obviously is the victim how to become a food safety hazard driving force behind? In recent years, food safety issues continue to be mentioned, though a bit corny, but it seems that each time some new tricks. Emerging food safety problems, very hard to detect, for example, dichlorvos soaked ham, cucumber wiping contraceptives, hormone ripening strawberries ... ... a variety of new terms and new ways to stimulate the nerves Burberry bags of consumers. Current food security situation on the point of view, there is nothing consumers can be assured of food to eat, and consumers are increasingly indifferent to this, getting used to. However, the frequency of food safety incidents attributed to "ignorance" of the consumer, this is not the quality supervision department of shirking its responsibility? Why consumers should "know that buying Fake", knowing that they insisted on buying toxic, treat yourself and your family's health to such a rash it? Or the proliferation of fake and shoddy products on the market, consumers could not distinguish.

February of this year, "Nanfang Dushi Bao" reported a news consumers to buy expired products in supermarkets, supermarkets suspected that the consumers know that buying Fake an attempt to evade responsibility. I cannot help but think of it, this statement of Quality Supervision Bureau is also looking for "scapegoats" for their own notoriety cleared it? In fact, this news will cause a huge controversy, consumers have accused the Quality Supervision Bureau of incompetence, and the image fell into a trough of Louis Vuitton Outlet Quality Supervision Bureau. There are so many food safety accidents, study its fundamental, nothing more than profit-driven. Nothing wrong business fame and fortune, but also need "in a proper way." If in order to reap huge profits, without regard to food safety, and even sacrifice the health of society at large masses, is not only unethical but also illegal. Although I do not think consumers are food safety accident, "behind", but consumers on food safety regulation can indeed play a significant role.